lin solution, and. if Buy Non Prescription Cialis some local anesthetic has been added, the amount of general anesthetic required is negligible. All serious Buy Non Prescription Cialis cases should be kept at the casualty clearing station for two or three weeks Buy Non Prescription Cialis after operation, and even longer if one is not quite satisfied with their condition. MEDICAL PROBLEMS ON THE ITALIAN FRONT.* By Victor G. Heiser, M. D., New York, Director of the East. International Health Buy Non Prescription Cialis Board: Member of the American Red Cross Mission to Italy. Professor Heiser said that he had found that persons who were sent abroad on missions to various countries returned with a spirit of ardent ship towards the country they had gone to visit, in spite of accidents and hazards which they might have encountered. Diplomatists who were sent to Russia were enthusiastic for the great democratic ideals which they were convinced would emerge triumjihant from the present Russian chaos. Those who, like himself, had visited Italy, refused to be- lieve in her ultimate overthrow. He thought it would be better to present to his audience a few salient points which had come under his personal observation during his mission, and let these facts speak for themselves. The Italirms had shown themselves efficient to an extraordinary degree in their medical organization. Italy, when she went to war, was more unprepared than any other of the belligerent nations. She pos- sessed no X ray apparatus that was not of German manufacture and no ammunition and no automobiles that did not come from that source. Since the onset of the war. however, Italy had manufactured all the motor trucks and automobiles for her Buy Non Prescription Cialis own use, and the fact that she had as many motor trucks for •Abstract of an address delivered December jt, 1017. at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Section K, Preventive Medicine, at Pittsburgh, Buy Non Prescription Cialis Pa. transportation as any of the other allied nations would prove the immensity of the task Buy Non Prescription Cialis which she had set herself. Not this alone had been accom- plished, but in addition considerable exp)ortation of cars had been made to France and to America. Some motor factories were also Buy Non Prescription Cialis engaged in the manufacture of airplanes, the quality of which were well evidenced by the efficiency of the Caproni machines. Not a single battleplane had been con- structed in the United States for Italian use. The English Government had ofiered America every in- ducement to manufacture battleplanes on a large scale, but the offer had not been taken up. Italy, on the other hand, had produced them by the dozen for army use and led the world in this respect. Since the Buy Non Prescription Cialis outbreak of war Italy had had to face very serious sanitary problems. Cholera had been carried into the Italian camps by Austrian prisoners and the Italian medical service had found it neces- sary to vaccinate the entire army against cholera. The laboratory staff' had had to make examination of the stools of all the soldiers and prisoners who had passed through infected districts. Americans were accustomed to think that they led the world in the performance of large tasks, but the task of examining Buy Non Prescription Cialis microscopically as many as 3,000 stools a day would appear enormous to the sanitary au- thorities here. This was what the Italian medical Buy Non Prescription Cialis service had accomplished. In regard to the question of f|uarantinc, the organization by the Surgeon Gen- eral in Jhis country of an institution capable of handling 2,000 quarantined inmates was considered very large, but it was a mere bagatelle compared to the necessity of quarantining enormous numbers of troops which was placed upon the Italian Govern- ment. During the war all the troops, French, Brit- ish, etc., returning from Saloniki, were obliged to pass through southern Italy, on account of the dan- gers of the sea passage. The blood of all these soldiers was examined for malarial plasmodia, be- sides the examination made for other diseases. The Italian quarantine for the British accommodated 20,000 persons, and that for the French 40,000; numbers which exceeded those of other similar un- dertakings. In regard to the organization on the Italian front, their medical men had here exhibited the most praiseworthy resourcefulness. The general idea in America was that the Italians did not accomplish very much, but they had completed hospitals whose united capacity amounted to 1,000,000 beds. America, with a population three times as large as that of Italy, had been 100 years in building hospital accommodation for 30,000 beds, while Italy had con- •^tructed a much larger number in six months. At the same rate, America would have to get 3,000,000 beds in that time. The construction of the Italian hospitals left nothing to be desired in workmanship and efficiency. No luxuries were to be found, but all the essentials were there. Practically no tents were in use, although the British and French hos- pital authorities were still relying largely on tent accommodation for their wounded. The construc- tion of an Italian hospital unit cost less than a tent and was much more durable. The average unit was a building six feet by twelve feet, by fourteen feet March g, 191S.] MEDICINE AND SURGERY IN THE ARMY AND NAVY. 461 high. It was built of fireproof tiles ; it was cool in summer, warm in winter, sanitary, and efficacious. The construction could be increased to accommodate any number of patients. In some centres there were as many as 40,000 beds. iJuildings Buy Non Prescription Cialis which handled the same number in France were represented by a somewhat heterogeneous collection, but in Italy even a pleasing and consistent style of architecture had